Summer 2023   |  ARCH 406 - Architecture Design V  |  Professors Benjamin Ennemoser & James Tate  |  Rhino, Illustrator, Photoshop
Team: Aidan Lozano, Andrea Hinojosa, Ian Thomas, Nathan Sorensen
This project explores the topics of porches and exposed structures through AI imaging to create a new approach of standardized-structured workforce housing. The research process was started through the exploration of Midjourney. Utilizing this tool, our normative understanding of architecture is expanded to new possibilities. From many different interpretations, prompts, and words, we were able to see what would create a more desirable outcome using our agency.  
Since the land the community sits on is in a Community Land Trust, where a non-profit organization owns the land and residents own the building itself, this allows for freedom of the interpretation of what property is. Reinterpreting the townhouse typology, which can otherwise be limited by the straight connections from unit to unit, our approach considers the opportunities for unique spaces within part-part relationships. Through the aggregation, we created opportunities for multiple levels of interaction within the community, such as the direct interaction with ground activities in the form of playgrounds, splash parks, and barbecues as well as indirect interaction from the personal porches. Our AI exploration of porches and exposed structure led to a reinterpretation of the standardized townhouse. Through the use of repetitive elements, we were able to aggregate massings that created individuality, while maintaining a cohesive community language, designed with affordability and ease of construction in mind.
We created 5 unique massings that each allow for various types of aggregations and connections. This site hosts 14 different aggregations of the 5 massings. There is a range of aggregations from free-standing single homes to clusters of all 5 massings, along with a diverse typology of dwellings to accommodate various household sizes, including: two 1 bedroom units, one 2 bedroom unit, and two 3 bedroom units.
kit of parts
To allow for ease of construction and affordability, our modules are standardized using repetitive structural members creating consistency of materials. The porches of these massings are primarily of a subtractive operation to maximize space and verticality, so as to not over reach into public space to maintain individual ownership. They are subtracted out in a variety of shapes and sizes to blur the line between indoor and outdoor privacy. The traditional approach would be to hide structure; however, in our Midjourney exploration we found that exposed structure can be used to programmatically articulate spaces. We took inspiration from the AI’s use of framing of the space and implemented that in our design.